Project: The Journey Forward Cancer Recovery Program

Description: The Journey Forward is a six-week cancer recovery program aimed at addressing the physical, psychological, and overall wellness needs of cancer survivors. As the lead designer, I collaborated closely with the teams at Keck Medicine of USC and Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital to develop comprehensive materials that embody the program's mission and values.
Design Concept: The design concept for The Journey Forward materials centered around creating a calming and supportive atmosphere for cancer survivors. Utilizing purple hues and floral elements, the design evokes a sense of tranquility and hope, providing a soothing backdrop for the program's content.

Deliverables: One of the key deliverables was a booklet/binder provided to all program participants, serving as a comprehensive resource for cancer patients throughout their recovery journey. This booklet contained essential information about the program, including educational sessions, group exercise classes, and self-management skills development.
Content Integration: Working closely with the program directors and healthcare professionals, I ensured that all content was effectively communicated and visually presented in the booklet. From the welcoming message from the Program Director to detailed descriptions of program offerings, every piece of information was thoughtfully designed to be accessible and engaging for participants.
Below is the flyer / poster created to highlight this program.
Impact: By providing cancer survivors with a tangible resource that consolidated all program information in one place, we aimed to empower participants to take control of their recovery journey. The visually appealing design and comprehensive content of the booklet contributed to a positive participant experience and fostered a sense of support and encouragement throughout the program.
Above is the Resource Guide we created for the class attendees
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